Research Team
Principal Investigator Bios
Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham is a Professor at the Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland and is affiliated with the Center for International Development and Conflict Management. Her primary research interests include self-determination, secession, civil war, and non-violent resistance. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego in 2007 and has been a Fulbright Scholar and a Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo. Her work has been published by Oxford University Press, American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, International Organization, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Research, International Studies Quarterly and Perspective on Politics.
Dr. Elisabeth Gilmore works at the intersection of technology, society, and policy to better understand and identify solutions to the complex problems posed by climate change and other local to global environmental issues, like air pollution. Her research has focused on developing scenarios for integrated assessments of climate change, modeling human responses to environmental changes, and technological and societal transformations for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. She integrates tools and knowledge across engineering, social and economic sciences, and public policy.
Reyko Huang is Associate Professor in the Department of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government & Public Service, Texas A&M University. Her research examines armed conflict and international politics, strategies of rebel organizations, and international security. She is the author of The Wartime Origins of Democratization: Civil War, Rebel Governance, and Political Regimes (Cambridge University Press). Her current research focuses on rebel diplomacy and transnational social networks in revolutionary politics. She has held fellowships at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University and the United States Institute of Peace.
Danielle F. Jung is Associate Professor of political science at Emory University. Her work centers on understanding legitimacy and governance in fragile and emerging states. Jungs use agent based models to study how social organizations (particularly illicit organizations like terrorist and insurgent groups and gangs) organize, as well as when, how and why these organizations provide services. She also uses surveys, focus groups, survey experiments, field experiments and conduct impact evaluations to study social organization, cooperation, accountability, fraud, and political mobilization enhances legitimacy (or not) in emerging democracies.
Cyanne Loyle Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs in the Department of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University and a Global Fellow at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) . Her research is motivated by a desire to better understand and contribute to the prevention of violent conflict and the violation of human rights. She does this through assessing the intersection of violent behavior, political institutions, and political participation. Her current work focuses on transnational justice adopted both during and after armed conflict. She studies the ways that justice processes can be used for good or for evil through political consolidation, political exclusion, social reconciliation, and narrative construction by both governments and rebel groups.
Post-doctoral Associates
Pre-doctoral Associates
Leo Bauer
University of Maryland |
Juan David Gelvez
University of Maryland & Georgetown University |
Nat Hill
University of Maryland |
Pedro Abelin
University of Maryland |
Liv Bauer
University of Maryland |
Sloan Lansdale
University of Maryland |
Madeline (Madie) Fleishman
University of Maryland |
Brian Wendelgass
University of Maryland |
Relevant publications from PI Team:
- Acosta, Benjamin, Reyko Huang & Daniel Silverman. 2022. "Introducing ROLE: A Database of Rebel Leader Attributes in Armed Conflict," Journal of Peace Research.
- Cohen, Dara Kay, Danielle F. Jung and Michael Weintraub Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective” Comparative Politics
- Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher & Cyanne Loyle. 2021. “Introduction to the Special Feature on Dynamic Process of Rebel Governance” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 65(1): 3-14. 2021.
- Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher, Reyko Huang and Katherine Sawyer. 2021. "Voting for Militants: Rebel Elections in Civil War," Journal of Conflict Resolution 65.1.
- Heger, Lindsey and Danielle F. Jung 2017 Negotiating with Rebel Governments: The Effect of Service Provision on Conflict Negotiations JCR 61(6): 1203-1229
- Heger, Lindsey, Danielle F. Jung and Wendy Wong 2017 Linking non-state governance and violence. 2017 JOGSS 2(3):220-236.
- Huang, Reyko, Daniel Silverman & Benjamin Acosta. 2022. "Friends in the Profession: Rebel Leaders, International Social Networks, and External Support for Rebellion," International Studies Quarterly.
- Huang, Reyko and Patricia Sullivan. 2021. "Arms for Education? External Support and Rebel Social Services," Journal of Peace Research.
- Huang, Reyko. 2020. "Religious Instrumentalism in Violent Conflict." Ethnopolitics 19.2.
- Huang, Reyko. 2016. "Rebel Diplomacy in Civil War," International Security 40.4.
- Huang, Reyko. 2016. The Wartime Origins of Democratization: Civil War, Rebel Governance, and Political Regimes, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Johnston, Patrick B., Jacob N. Shapiro, Howard J. Shatz, Benjamin Bahney, Danielle F. Jung, Patrick Ryan, and Jon Wallace 2016. Foundations of the Islamic State: Management, Money, and Terror in Iraq, 2005–2010. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation
- Jung, Danielle F., and Dara Kay Cohen. Lynching and local justice: Legitimacy and accountability in weak states. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- Jung, Danielle and Dara Kay Cohen 2020 Lynching and Local Justice: The Political Economy of Legitimacy and Accountability in Weak States Cambridge Elements in Political Economy: Cambridge University Press
- Loyle, Cyanne, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Reyko Huang & Danielle Jung. 2021. "New Directions in Rebel Governance Research," Perspectives on Politics.
- Loyle, Cyanne, & Jessica Maves Braithwaite, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Reyko Huang, R. Joseph Huddleston, Danielle F. Jung, Michael A. Rubin, and Megan A. Stewart. “Revolt and Rule: Lessons about governance from rebel groups” Forthcoming at International Studies Review.
- Loyle, Cyanne. “Rebel Justice during Armed Conflict” Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(1): 108-134. 2021
- Wagstaff, William A. and Danielle F. Jung 2020 Competing for Constituents: Trends in Terrorist Service Provision. TPV DOI: 0.1080/09546553.2017.1368494